About the Be Loving Project

The Be Loving Project is about transforming how people interact with one another with a focus on expanding the experience of love for one another. This project is about giving people the tools to create fulfilling, lasting relationships and empowering people to be their best versions of themselves as they try to find the happiness and love they are looking for. The project is a movement to strengthen the experience of being connected with others out in the world and to honor that connection by treating others with love and kindness.

My mission is to help people learn to connect with their loved ones and challenge people to be the most caring and loving version of themselves as I see this as the most authentic expression of ourselves. My goal is to give participants opportunities to explore and develop themselves in meaningful ways that will improve their ability to access their best version of themselves as they explore being in relationship, being happy in their own skin, and interacting out in the world.

On a broad scope, my mission is to spread love across the world. I am committed that the human race learns to live in harmony with each other and the earth. This project has that goal at its root. It is my belief is that through challenging ourselves to expand and develop our capacity to love and care for ourselves and the people we are in relationship with now, we will begin to be more loving with everyone we cross paths with. And someday we will collectively be as loving with our perceived enemies as we are with our children.

My philosophy is that human beings are fundamentally designed to desire the experience of love and connection, and that is our primary occupation as much as food and water. It is my belief that the way to have the kind of love and connection that we want in life is to take the initiative and be the way we are asking others to be, the golden rule. By role modeling what it looks like to be loving, compassionate, generous and appreciate we can more effectively help others to be that way with us. Love is where we are coming from. Love is where we are heading and love is the path to get there.
My promise to you is that if you take the relationship challenge and complete it, you will experience a stronger sense of being in the driver’s seat of your relationship. You will access a mature, powerful loving part of yourself that has the ability to care for yourself and your partner in the face of disagreement and impasse. My promise is to continue exploring how love works and create courses that empower people to choose a loving path and develop the courage to be their loving selves in the world.

Our Happy Clients

I really see a noticeable change is awareness in both Tom and myself out of this challenge. We both let go of things way quicker, laugh at our foibles more easily, and feel and express our appreciation for each other even more than we did before— and we weren’t bad to begin with— but seriously I see a very noticeable difference.
P.L - Santa Fe, NM
Eddie has an effective way of getting right to the heart of issues which then illuminates our behaviors and reactions. He has been pivotal in turning our relationship around and helping us see and strive for the connection we long for.
J. S. - Steamboat Springs, CO
Through the Relationship Challenge I learned to be more compassionate to the one I love. The distinction, “Playing for Your Partner to Win” was invaluable. This challenge is unique, provocative and uplifting!
R.J. - Taos, NM
These things have all been helpful to us and we believe the Relationship Challenge is awesome. It’s made us take a look at our relationship and the way we communicate. We thought we were travelling pretty well before the challenge started but, like most things, there’s always room for improvement and we certainly feel we’ve achieved that. Plus we believe it will help us into the future. So thank you, thank you for everything. We’ve really enjoyed being a part of it. We are true believers!
B.D. - Australia
Eddie Konold has been an invaluable resource for us as a couple. He very skillfully and mindfully helps us to navigate the sometimes choppy seas of marriage to arrive safely on the shore. His “counseling” has provided a safe space for both of us to explore our relationship and intimacy in the presence of a compassionate witness.
N. D. - Steamboat Springs, CO
We are extremely grateful to have found Eddie during a very difficult period of our marriage. Eddie has always provided us balanced support and guidance while demonstrating empathy and patience. His approach and ability to get to the core issues have facilitated a positive transformation in our relationship that we were unable to achieve during previous therapy with other counselors. We have benefited so much from our sessions with him!
J.D. - Steamboat Springs, CO
Eddie has helped us to survive the tragic loss of our son. Grieving is such an incredibly painful and complicated process, with no rules or timelines. Eddie has helped us to come together as parents and as a couple again. He has really helped us to better understand each other and to be more patient and compassionate toward each other. This tragedy had shaken the foundation of our family and our relationship, and Eddie has helped us to bring stability and some peace back into our lives. Eddie’s empathy, genuine caring for us and his emotional investment in our lives is evident with every interaction and has been very effective in helping us to remain standing together!
M.K. - Steamboat Springs, CO
Eddie is an engaging, compassionate, patient counsellor with reasonable expectations on a couple’s progress. He is easy to talk to, and that makes for a very comfortable environment. We loved our time with him. We loved our time with him, and he was very helpful in getting us back on track as a couple. Thank you for all you did for us and for what you do for our community!
T. H. - Steamboat Springs, CO